Jan 26, 2012

Berries 'n Angel Food Cake Smoothie

My hubs has lost 22 pounds recently. Part of his plan was to replace his usual habit of a fast-food lunch with bringing something healthy from home. Often, that's a protein smoothie whipped up in the morning in this sweet little blender the kids got him for Christmas.

I'd tried protein powder before and not been too impressed. But he found this one, and the vanilla version smells and tastes a lot like angel food cake! So when you add that and the frozen berries of your choice (plus a few other ingredients), you get a smoothie that tastes like berries and angel food cake!

Yes, berries are a carb, but they're a very good-for-you healthy carb! Blueberries are a "super food." Berries are also fairly low glycemic, as fruits go.

Berries 'n Angel Food Smoothie

1 c. unsweetened almond milk (or milk of your choice)
3 T. plain Greek yogurt (or thereabouts; you can see I just put in a big heapin' spoonful)
1 c. frozen berries, no sugar added
1/2 to 1 whole scoop EAS vanilla protein powder

Pour the ingredients into the blender in the order listed. (If you pour the milk in last, everything will just freeze in a big glob.) If you're using a blender that has more than one blade set, use the 4-blade base.

Blend on low speed until it's nice and smooth. Low works better than high for this concoction, at least on our blender. Your mileage may vary.

Enjoy immediately!

Serves 1.

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