One of the easiest and most delicious things you can do to put healthier food into your body is to learn some recipes for homemade salad dressings. Once you start, you'll probably never buy the bottled stuff again! Homemade dressings just taste so much fresher. And you can be sure there's no corn syrup or {insert evil sweetener of your choice here} in it! I usually use Splenda, but use whatever you want. Most "Lite" salad dressings you buy in the store are low fat, but that just means a higher percentage of the product is carbs, and most likely, sugary ones.
Here are seven of my favorite homemade salad dressings I've posted here in the past. For a healthy body, happy taste buds!
Buttermilk Ranch (made with Greek yogurt)
Tex-Mex Dressing (three ingredients!)

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