Feb 21, 2013

Snow Ice Cream Recipe

Okay, normally I stay away from sugary recipes, but I also believe that there are days you need to just throw caution to the wind, live life, and have fun -- i.e, eat the real stuff!

After a 14-ish inch snow here last night -- and a very fluffy snow -- I'm fondly remembering the days like this when the kids would beg me to make snow ice cream.

One caveat: Snow ice cream is not about creamy, gourmet ice cream. It's really more like ice milk. But making it is about enjoying the moment, celebrating winter, and making memories with your kids. Or the kid in you!

Second caveat: This isn't so much a recipe as it is a method. The proportions are flexible; the main thing is to add the milk (or better yet, cream) slowly, a little at a time, so you don't turn it into slush.

Third caveat: If you live in a city with significant amounts of air pollution, you should not do this. The snow  harvests smog as it falls.  :(

Snow Ice Cream Recipe

A large mixing bowl full (1 gallon or so) of snow
1/2 to 1 cup white sugar
1 T. (or so) vanilla extract
milk, cream, almond milk, etc. -- "enough"

Either place a large, clean bowl outside to collect snow while it's still snowing, or, if you forget this step, place your bowl in the fridge till it's well-chilled, then go out and scoop up some CLEAN snow. 

Stir in sugar and vanilla to taste, then stir in just enough milk/cream for the desired consistency. 

Serve right away! This stuff doesn't keep. Remember: it's about enjoying the moment!

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